lunedì, agosto 21, 2006

Glass of Wine

Today I'm reading a very intresing article about wine epistemology.
The role of standard and social behaviour in the mankind are something of quite inexplicable for philosophy.. But by my point of view the core of the argument is in that few world:

Taste requires knowledge to become good taste, that is, to belong to the licit sensory pleasures that a particular society considers as legitimate.

This consideration comes out by Carlo Petrini , founder of the Slow Food movement, that plays with the common etymology of the two Italian words sapore (taste) and sapere (knowledge). The relationship between knowledge and all the rest of human activities is an absolute certainty in a world that don'have any kind of absolute.

The eternal need of learning and knowledge of human being express itself in every aspect of social life, and involves also the aspects that semms to be out of cultural expereinces as we intend.
For example, wine is a pleasute that will be appreciated oly with an adeguate cultural background:
Wine seems of a special epistemological interest because it is an epistemic domain that we enter as adults and sometimes with relatively little cultural background to bias our taste and our judgement (...) We deliberatively decide to learn about wine, defer to experts and acquire their manners and expertise. Thus, trying to elucidate what sorts of epistemic strategies are at stake in the case of acquiring wine taste seems at a first glance easier than in the case of other domains whose acquisition can be affected by age, school education and coercive teaching.

The knowledge is the instrument wich help man to comprehend, and also to oppose to nature, and that concurs to create a common floor of concepts, ideas and elaborated experiences to share it with other men. This powerfull tool is involved with all the manifestations of humanity and concearnes all th aspect of our lives.

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